Activity Books
(for Kids & Adults)

Featured books:

Space and Astrology
Word Search

An Astronomy and Astrology themed word search, with 700 related words and terms. Also, word definitions are provided beside each puzzle ! For all ages.

Christmas Coloring Book For Kids


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Click on the shopping bag graphic and it'll take you to my author page on Amazon, where you'll see all the books I've published so far.

A book of 27, hand-sketched, Christmas themed illustrations for kids.

Products I've made by utilizing my skills in Graphic Design

Graphic Apparel
(For Men & Women)

Featured Items:

Tribal Art Poseidon Men's Tee

Tribal Art Mermaid Woman's Tee

Men's tee featuring one of my tribal art designs. Base shirt is most cotton, which varies depending on the color.
( in 13 colors )

Woman's tee, featuring a tribal art inspired mermaid. First of many exclusive designs for the women's line of apparel. Base shirt is mostly ring-spun cotton, which varies by color. Relaxed fit. ( in 14 colors )

I'll be adding more designs and more apparel types periodically.
Click on the picture to reach my apparel storefront and see my current product line !

* Link is currently disabled until further notice!